Friday, March 18, 2016
New technologies and telecommunications networks have dramatically transformed all facets of life, from medicine to agriculture, entertainment to politics, and economics to service industries (Milken Foundation, 1999). The rapid development of global technological capacity and abilities create opportunities for students worldwide. Institutions and individuals recognize the importance of education to national economic development. Most observers acknowledge that there are barriers associated with technology acquisition and use, no matter what the intended purpose. Sometimes, in the restrict access for political reasons, as in China, for example. Cultural conventions often do not value outside information. A lack of knowledge of the possibilities associated with technology often prevents acquisition.
GEN is a strategy to empower the education entities and support on the learning leadership transformation to the third millennium education strategies based on the following analyzing, planning, designing, implementing, and developing strategies to greater education world.
Why Global Education Network? This is the way of learning that using technology to create global learning experiences. In Technology for a Global Early Childhood Education’s site, educators working with young children and interested by using technology in the classrooms. By creating global learning experiences, early childhood teachers have the ability to expose children to concepts of diversity, multiculturalism, and multilingualism at an early age.
The next question can be why we should use technology? Technology can be instrumental in creating global learning experiences because technology has the power to connect from one country to other countries and easily send the information around the world.
Our new challenge is how we can develop and use the information positively. However, there were many obstacles to prepare students for global education such as limited resources, language and lack of mobility of the students. The new technologies provide ways to overcome the traditional barriers to global education and language learning. The 21st century ushered in an era with the highest level of global interconnectedness in human history. We can access the information from the internet in anywhere in the world - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We also can communicate with a click on a cellular phone or a computer.
There are significant benefits to global education network:
1. Improve language skills
Through the internet, students are able to communicate using their own devices peer-to-peer video conferencing. And it can be accomplished from anywhere – opening the world to students who do not have time or resources to travel. Peer-to peer video conferencing can create the opportunity for students to build an international network of friends and contacts. The contacts itself can help students to develop business, find new job, and increase their knowledge of other countries and cultures.
2. Online classes
Students now on can have a class without having any room to learn. They can learn anywhere they like and the teachers can teach by using any media such as through Skype, Website or even social media like Facebook and Edmodo.
Using Online access tools provide many advantages to students including:
• Choice
Large choice of tutors and others with varying ages, backgrounds, and geography.
• Flexible and convenient scheduling
Wide calendar availability, on demand, cancellation policy
• Pricing
Variable pricing, no contracts, trusted payment methods
• User experience
User interfaces tailored for language learning & cultural exchange
• Social attraction
Personal interactions that reach across cultures and borders for friendly fun while learning
• Safety
Proper consent policy, policies to prohibit inappropriate conversations
• Privacy
1-to-1 classes using secure video
• Rating
Options for students to rate their experiences with tutors
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