Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Examples of Translation Techniques

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

SL :     Museum Kailasa berlokasi di sebrang Candi Gatutkaca
TL :     This museum is located in Batur, which precisely across the Gatutkaca Temple.

SL :     Pasar Klewer terletak di gerbang barat utara komplek Keraton yang menjual aneka jenis kain terutama Batik.
TL :     Klewer market, an old market that sells any kinds of fabric and predominantly batik. Located in off the west gate of Keraton’s North Square.

SL :     ….maka untuk membela keutuhan Negara Majapahit dia bersumpah untuk tidak makan palapa sebelum Nusantara dapat dipersatukan.
TL :     Gajah Mada, the famous vicegerent of Majapahit kingdom pledged not to eat palapa, rice with side dishes before Nusantara, Indonesian archipelagohas been united under the reign of Majapahit.

SL :     ‘Weird !’ he said, ‘What a shape! This is money ?’
TL :     ‘Aneh,’ katanya. ‘Bentuknya ajaib. Ini uang ?’

ST :      Bonfire Night (BRITAIN)
TT :      pesta kembang api

SL :     Good morning. You're early today.
TL :     Selamat pagi. Kau datang lebih awal hari ini.

SL:      There are many Indonesian at the ship.
TL:      Banyak warga negara Indonesia di kapal itu.

SL:      His words were as hard as the rock walls.
TL:      Kata-katanya terdengar sekeras dinding batu ruangan itu.

SL:      Suddenly, like cannon, the glass exploded.
TL :     Tiba-tiba, seperti sebuah meriam, dinding kaca itu meledak.

SL :     The Indonesian Independence Preparatory Committee decided to set up the organization of People’s Security Body at its meeting on August 22, 1945.
TL :     Pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1945 Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesiamenetapkan pembentukan Barisan Keamanan Rakyat untuk memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban umum di daerahnya masing masing.

SL :     Affter many bankruptcies, the crisis was ended by government regulation of the tulip trade
TL :     Setelah beberapa kali kebangkrutan, krisis tersebut diakhiri oleh  peraturan pemerintah mengenai perdagangan tulip

SL :     With its astounding variety of shopping options to suit all budgets and tastes spanning the centuries from age - old  traditional Chinese medicine to the latest  cutting edge technological  gadgets a retail - oriented sojourn in Singapore truly does offer a unique shopping experience.
TL :     Dengan ragam pilihan yang begitu banyak yang cocok untuk semua anggaran dan selera,  mulai dari  obat tradisional Cina yang berumur ratusan tahun sampai peralatan teknologi  mutakhir, untuk orang yang suka membeli barang kecil - kecilan, persinggahan di Singapura bisa memberikan sesuatu untuk semua orang.

SL :     Keukenhof also has a roofed - in garden with an adjacent show glasshouse which is reason enough to visit; every inch of  the 53,000 square feet spaceseems to be in bloom.
TL :     Keukenhof juga memiliki taman di bawah atap berdampingan dengan rumah kaca untuk  pameran yang layak untuk dikunjungi, setiap inci dari  53.000 kaki persegi ruangan kelihatan seperti bersemi.

SL :     All of her muscle felt like stone.
TL :     Seluruh ototnya terasa seperti membatu.

SL :     Unique is the word that best captures Singapore – a dynamic, cosmopolitancity – state where  different cultures, ethnic groups and religions blend harmoniously.
TL :     Unik adalah kata yang tepat untuk mendeskripsikan Singapura – negara berukuran kota kosmopolitan yang dinamis, yang memiliki banyak kebudayaan yang berbeda, kelompok - kelompok etnik dan keharmonisan dari beragam agama.

SL :     The visitors put on their suits and snorkels before easing into the water – splashing loudly is regarded as a display of hostility by dolphins – in groups of five.
TL :     Para  wisatawan mengenakan pakaian selam dan snorkelnya, sebelum perlahan - lahan turun  ke dalam air dalam kelompok berisi lima orang – menceburkan diri keras -keras dianggap sebagai tanda bermusuhan oleh lumba - lumba.

SL :     There are also the usual hotels, quaint inns, boarding houses and campsites, not far from the blaze of tulips.
TL :     Terdapat juga hotel - hotel biasa, penginapan kecil, pondok wisata, and lapangan perkemahan tidak jauh dari gemerlapnya tulip.

SL :     After many bankruptcies, the crisis was ended by government regulation of the tulip trade.
TL :     Setelah beberapa kali kebangkrutan, krisis tersebut diakhiri oleh peraturan pemerintah mengenai perdagangan tulip

SL :     Touring through such tulips has become a rite of spring in Holland, although you can drive through most of the country  and see no more tulips than at home.
TL :     Berwisata menikmati kumpulan bunga tulip telah menjadi semacam upacara Musim Semi di Negeri Belanda. Walaupun Anda dapat mengunjungi ke banyak negara  tetapi Anda tidak  akan melihat lebih banyak tulip sebagaimana yang ada di negara Anda sendiri

SL :     It‟s a good idea to have your travel agent make reservations a year in advance.
TL :     Ada baiknya agen perjalanan wisata Anda melakukan pemesanan setahun di muka.

SL :     He was killed in the war.
TL :     Dia gugur dalam perang.

SL :     It isn’t expensive
TL :     It’s cheap

SL :     I cut my finger
TL :     Jariku terpotong

SL :     This research is a part of a study on Malay four-lined verse.
TL :     Penelitian ini adalah bagian dari sebuah penelitian mengenai pantunMelayu.

SL :     They're here in my Four - Dimensional Pocket.
TL :     Mereka didalam Kantung Ajaibku.

SL :     The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had never  seen so many things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast  chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled  potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy,  ketchup and, for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs
TL :     Piring-piring di depannya sekarang penuh berisi makanan. Belum  pernah dia melihat begitu banyak makanan yang ingin dimakannya  terhidang di satu meja.Daging sapi panggang, ayam, babi, kambing,  sosis, daging asap, steak, kentang rebus, kentang goreng, puding,  kacang, wortel, kaldu, saus tomat, bahkan permen pedas.

SL :     Let’s have fun with them.
TL :     Ayo kita main-main dengan mereka.

SL :     Take a bath
TL :     Mandi

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Digital Technologies For English Language Teaching (ELT)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Technology is part of language learning throughout the world and it impact in the primary sector in education. As a teacher, there is reliability of technologies for classroom use. We can increase students’ potential to extend their skills for implementing relevant technology in their own learning environments. Computers, tablets and e-readers can be instrumental in learning English interactively and can motivate for students of all ages. 

Technology supports virtual or online learning. Unlike physical classrooms, online learning is more flexible that supported face-to-face communication between students and teachers in the virtual world. Many colleges and universities are blending their educational systems with online learning tools to help students learn from anywhere. For students who want to open educational resources there are some platforms such as Youtube, TeacherTube and iTunes. On those educational resources include electronic books (e-books), podcasts, educational games, educational videos and instructions, tutorials and much more. 

The use of computer based instructions makes students feel in control what they learn. Students find it easy to learn with technology because computers are patient compared to humans. Teachers publish educational instructions on classroom blogs or they assign research work via email and this gives a student time to study on their own and no fear of making mistakes during the learning process. Also the use of online educational games like Funbrain and Starfall to teach students how to solve different academic challenges that makes students love to learn. 

By using technology, students are also learning how to write well composed sentences and paragraphs. In online sites there are some applications we can use such as LiveJournal, Edublog, Blogger, BusyTeacher and Wordpress. They can express their writing on these blogs and share with friends.

10 Ways to Use Technology in ESL Instruction

1. Film and Video
Using short and feature-length videos is an engaging way to work on skills like vocabulary and comprehension. Videos help to expose students to the use of natural English. Young children really enjoy short cartoons and animated movies, and older students can learn about current events through news broadcasts.

2. Apps
Learning English can be very difficult and frustrating at times. Apps on iPads and tablets are great ways for students to practice English and have fun while doing it. For practicing grammar rules, apps like Grammar Up allow students to test their knowledge on specific topics (verbs, prepositions, etc.). The app also keeps track of students’ progress and allows them to skip questions by shaking the tablet. Best Colleges Online offers a list of 16 apps for ESL students, ranging from basic letter instruction to pronunciation guides. Students can also play classic games like Scrabble and Boggle on mobile devices.

3. Digital Field Trips
Students absorb a great deal of information through experiential learning, but field trips are not always an option with limited school budgets. Digital field trips provide more authentic ways for students to absorb new information. Young children can learn vocabulary through fun virtual trips via 4-H Virtual Farm, while older students can learn about the government on sites like Inside the White House. There are many options on the Internet to learn about virtually any topic. Middle School Net offers links to a wide array of digital field trip possibilities.

4. Podcasts
Students can listen to podcasts to improve their comprehension. They can also create podcasts to practice their English speaking abilities. A free download of iTunes gives teachers access to hundreds of free podcasts on a range of topics. There are multiple podcasts tailored specifically for English language learners. Teachers can also have students create podcasts to give them opportunities to practice their speaking skills. With just a microphone and a computer, students can create reports and presentations. Video podcasts are an attractive option for students, and some classes even have their own YouTube channels.

5. Pen Pals
Since snail mail is becoming a thing of the past, students can have pen pals that they email or write to on a discussion board. Make an arrangement with an English-speaking class in another state or country and have students write to their pen pal on a regular basis. This is a great way for them to practice their English writing and reading comprehension skills, while making friends in the process. Connect your classroom for free today with ePals!

6. Web Quests
Web quests are a fun way for students to use the Internet to build English proficiency. Students are given a task and rely on their content knowledge and grasp of English language to complete it. Teachers can create their own or visit Web Quests to access tutorials and databases of pre-created web quests.

7. Online Games
Students can master spelling, grammar and other English skills by playing games on the computer or mobile devices. Funbrain has educational games and books for Pre-K to eighth grade students. StarFall has multiple games for younger students to increase English literacy skills. Digital versions of hangman, Scrabble and Boggle are also entertaining for all ages of students. Many of these games can be put up on interactive white boards to get full class participation.

8. Blogging
Class blogs provide great forums for students to practice their writing skills. Live Journal, Edublog and Blogger allow you to create blogs for free. One of the reasons that students find blogging appealing is that it is more of an authentic writing experience, as a wider audience typically has access to read posted entries, which means students tend to put more effort into their blogs. Teachers can get students to write about specific topics that they find interesting, or students can provide commentary on current events and social justice issues. The more they practice their writing skills, the more proficient they become, so regular blogging (weekly or daily) is recommended. Blogs also provide good opportunities for family members to see what their children are working on in class!

9. Skype
Skype is a great way for students to practice their speaking and listening skills with other people from any location. Teaching Degree offers 50 suggestions on how to use Skype in the classroom. Students can have question-and-answer sessions with authors of books, attend video-conferences and virtual field trips, interview professionals, and connect with students from other cultures and countries. Skype can even be used to conduct parent-teacher conferences or connect with students’ family members who may be abroad!

10. Other Resources
Dave's ESL Cafe has a page for students that provides easy-to-understand explanations of different grammar concepts, like tenses and verb forms. It also has an Idea Cookbook, which is full of resources for teachers to improve ESL instruction. Audio books can be used to supplement reading instruction and improve comprehension. Since technology is something that students interact with regularly outside of school and students need 21st century skills to be successful in college and their future careers, the more that technology can be integrated into instruction, the better.

References Links:

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Instructions with Technologies for Middle School Classrooms

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Middle school is also known as intermediate school or junior high school is a school for students older than elementary school but yet high school. Technology is the machinery and equipment development from the application of scientific knowledge. The use of technology tools in middle school classroom is to allow students to apply computer and technology skills in learning and problem-solving. It also can support classroom instruction by creating opportunities for students to complete assignments on the computer rather than the normal daily tools like pencil and paper. 

In middle school classroom, the use of technology can be as a replacement of the whiteboards, so it will be an interactive whiteboards. It will allow the students to interact with material on the computer. For example, it shows the 3D virtual explanation given by the teachers, audio and also tactile. By serving the instruction in multimedia, digital art, music, and online discourse, it can increase the students’ enthusiasm for learning with technology and can stimulate student’s strategic thinking process because they can use a variety of communication media to express their ideas more clearly and powerfully. 

There are several fun ways to use technology in the middle school classroom:
  • Video Streaming

Students in middle school are likely to watch the motion picture. Through the video streaming, the students can help them to create a clearer explanation. YouTube is one of the video streaming tools that can serve any lesson there.
  • Play Games

Give instruction by playing game using technology can keep students involved with all sorts of educational games for any subject. Students can keep track of their progress and work to complete with others to advance the next level.
  • Social Media

Students are already interested with social media outside of class, so as a teacher we can bring it into the classroom to grab the attention. We can use Facebook or Twitter to post a topic for discussion and get all students involved and interacting with one another.
  • Blogging

Prepare the middle to have their own blogs is the fun ways to give instruction in the class. Students can showcase all their hard work and help each other out by posting comments and suggestions.
  • Video Conferencing

In the age middle school’s students, they are still having no shy to speak with others. By using video conferencing, it allows students to interact their friends from overseas or even their classmate to increase their speaking abilities or communication skill.

Introducing the technology for middle school classroom is the effective way to prepare the students in the global competition. The 21st century workplace requires more skills for finding, selecting, analyzing, manipulating, modifying, and distributing information. Also create the new ways of leaning and thinking. So that, both student and teacher need more training and experience to face the global competition by learning through the technology. 

References Links:


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Online Social Media for Language Teaching and Learning

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Nowadays, young people most likely use online social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to communicate with their friends. By having an online conversation or chatting, sending private messages, reading news can be done by on social media. Online social media itself is the relationship among users through the digital media to bring people together as communities. Social Media on teaching and learning is a new community where teachers and students do not have to communicate by means of the traditional face-to-face classroom environment. 

In my previous class in Advanced Listening Comprehension, my lecturer used the Edmodo as the online media learning. Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teacher can reach out and connect by sharing ideas, problems and assignments. A teacher can assign and grade for every work that be done by the students. It is a safe environment because there is no bullying or inappropriate content because the teacher can see everything that is posted on Edmodo. It is a good educational website to collaborate within the teacher and students outside the class. 

The new changing way of teaching-learning environment in using Social Media brings about the impact of how the teaching-learning process and teacher-students roles. In teaching-learning process of Social Media, the teachers are combining between of online and formal teaching. They are assessing, reflecting, implementing and revising the online teaching plan. The teachers also need to provide the appropriate material related to the lesson plan and the online website that they used. 

With the social media integrated as the new environment of learning, the teachers’ role is less controlled. The teachers should be an instructional designer and the facilitator when the online course begins. They also had to be aware of a balance of flexibility of the teaching time and problem-solving tasks that might occur anytime while working on a lesson. The students have to engage the online task-based learning discussion. They also expected that the best online teachers must be able to provide useful feedback, advise them for discussion and encourage them to have critical thinking. In social media, it allows the students to overcome their shyness in asking questions outside the classroom and they feel limited by boundaries between lectures and themselves.

Outside the Edmodo, there are many of social media are being used for language learning and educational purposes such as Edublog, Moodle, Google Forms and Animoto. However, it is the teacher’s own premise to select what is the considered best to apply for their students. It might be the case that works best for others may be the worst for oneself. Teacher must be carefully monitored to avoid some misunderstandings in the learning-teaching process.

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Blended Learning

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blended learning is the combination of digital content and activity using a technology. It is a part through online learning which some element of student control over time, place, path and pace and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.

Blended Learning Model :
•    Face-to-Face Driver
Face-to-face teachers deliver most of the curriculum. A physical teacher employs online learning in a technology lab or the back of the classroom to supplement.
•    Rotation
Within a given course, students rotate on a fixed schedule between self-paced online learning and sitting in a classroom with a face-to-face teacher.
•    Flex
An online platform delivers most of the curriculum. Teachers provide on-site, as-needed support through in-person tutoring or small group sessions.
•    Online Lab
An online platform delivers the entire course, but in a brick-and-mortar location often students who participate in an online lab program also take traditional courses.
•    Self-Blend
Students choose to take remote online courses to supplement their school’s traditional curriculum. This model of blended learning is extremely popular among high school students.
•    Online Driver
An online platform and teacher deliver all the curriculum. Students work remotely and face-to-face check-ins are either available or mandatory.

Teaching Roles :
The teacher or usually called as the facilitator focus on four key areas:
-    Development of online and offline course content
-    Facilitation of communication with and among students
-   Guiding the learning experience of individual students and customizing material wherever possible to strengthen the learning experience
-    Assessment and grading

Blended learning model uses the classroom time for activities that benefit the most from direct interaction. Traditional education (especially at the college level) tends to place an emphasis on delivering material by way of a lecture, while in a blended learning model lectures can be videotaped ahead of time so the student can watch on their own time. The classroom time is more likely to be for structured exercises that emphasize the application of the curriculum to solve problems or work through tasks.

References Links:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Global Education Network (GEN)

Friday, March 18, 2016

New technologies and telecommunications networks have dramatically transformed all facets of life, from medicine to agriculture, entertainment to politics, and economics to service industries (Milken Foundation, 1999). The rapid development of global technological capacity and abilities create opportunities for students worldwide. Institutions and individuals recognize the importance of education to national economic development. Most observers acknowledge that there are barriers associated with technology acquisition and use, no matter what the intended purpose. Sometimes, in the restrict access for political reasons, as in China, for example. Cultural conventions often do not value outside information. A lack of knowledge of the possibilities associated with technology often prevents acquisition.

GEN is a strategy to empower the education entities and support on the learning leadership transformation to the third millennium education strategies based on the following analyzing, planning, designing, implementing, and developing strategies to greater education world.

Why Global Education Network? This is the way of learning that using technology to create global learning experiences. In Technology for a Global Early Childhood Education’s site, educators working with young children and interested by using technology in the classrooms. By creating global learning experiences, early childhood teachers have the ability to expose children to concepts of diversity, multiculturalism, and multilingualism at an early age.

The next question can be why we should use technology? Technology can be instrumental in creating global learning experiences because technology has the power to connect from one country to other countries and easily send the information around the world.
Our new challenge is how we can develop and use the information positively. However, there were many obstacles to prepare students for global education such as limited resources, language and lack of mobility of the students. The new technologies provide ways to overcome the traditional barriers to global education and language learning. The 21st century ushered in an era with the highest level of global interconnectedness in human history. We can access the information from the internet in anywhere in the world - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We also can communicate with a click on a cellular phone or a computer.

There are significant benefits to global education network:
1.    Improve language skills
Through the internet, students are able to communicate using their own devices peer-to-peer video conferencing. And it can be accomplished from anywhere – opening the world to students who do not have time or resources to travel. Peer-to peer video conferencing can create the opportunity for students to build an international network of friends and contacts. The contacts itself can help students to develop business, find new job, and increase their knowledge of other countries and cultures.
2.    Online classes
Students now on can have a class without having any room to learn. They can learn anywhere they like and the teachers can teach by using any media such as through Skype, Website or even social media like Facebook and Edmodo.

Using Online access tools provide many advantages to students including:
•    Choice
Large choice of tutors and others with varying ages, backgrounds, and geography.
•    Flexible and convenient scheduling
Wide calendar availability, on demand, cancellation policy
•    Pricing
Variable pricing, no contracts, trusted payment methods
•    User experience
User interfaces tailored for language learning & cultural exchange
•    Social attraction
Personal interactions that reach across cultures and borders for friendly fun while learning
•    Safety
Proper consent policy, policies to prohibit inappropriate conversations
•    Privacy
1-to-1 classes using secure video
•    Rating
Options for students to rate their experiences with tutors

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